

I have been part of a Toastmasters club for a few month to practice my speaking skills but even more importantly, to help me with my reflection process as it forces me to create short speeches and therefore to clarify my thoughts on certain topics.

2 weeks ago, I participated to the Prague Business Toastmasters’ contest in the “Speech Evaluation” category, where contestants evaluate the same speech and get evaluated on their own performance.

I am usually good at prepared speeches, especially because I have time to structure the speech and can rehearse a lot. The Evaluation contest is more challenging to me because you only have 5min at the end of the speech to gather your observations and thoughts, structure and memorize them and then deliver a 3min speech right away, without your notes.

As I was the first contestant to go, I didn’t have time to rehearse in my head at all. I wasn’t even done with structuring my thoughts when I was called. That’s when I decided to trust myself and commit to my speech, like I suggested in a recent snowboard story. And I am pleased to say that I didn’t crash and ended 2nd, qualifying for the next level contest. That was a great reminder that I, and we all, can show up not 100% ready and still perform.

But I wanted to share 3 take aways that I believe can be useful to everyone in any area:

  • The Power of being an Evaluator:
    • Just like you learn best when you teach, you learn best when you evaluate. It really forces you to pay attention, to look for what works and what doesn’t work or could be improved, and to get out of judgment since when you evaluate, you want to be as objective as you can. And it gives you some ideas on what you can do differently yourself.
    • Evaluating others gives you confidence because it puts you in the expert shoes, even when you don’t consider yourself an expert. It makes you realize that you have some value to provide no matter what your level is.
  • The Power of “the evaluator being evaluated”  : Seeing an evaluator being evaluated turns things upside down. It breaks the dynamic of a one way feedback and the belief that those who evaluate have everything figured out and know it all. Think about it in other areas. There is power for employees in seeing their leader receiving some feedback and working on their own stuff, at any level.  There is power for a kid in seeing their parents open to feedback and working on how to be a better parent or partner. This helps keep the ego in check for those who evaluate and normalizes the process of feedback for those who receive it.

Here is what you can practice:

  • Whatever you want to develop in your job, business, sport, or life, wherever you want to grow, especially if you want to grow your confidence, put yourself in a position to evaluate others and provide feedback. This will boost your skills and your confidence.
  • Ask for feedback on the feedback you provide (from the person you are giving it to or from others). This will help you become better at it.
  • If you are a leader, share the feedback you receive with those you lead. This will create more trust and help them better receive your feedback.

For those in Prague who are interested, the area contest will be on April 3rd at the Venue of Prague Speakers Club, i.e. Institute of Chemical Technology (VŠCHT), Technická 1903/03, Building B. It’s an opportunity to hear inspiring speeches and evaluations, and you are welcome.

Take care,

A Snowboard story about Commitment

I am an experiential learner. And I love real world metaphors.

My 15 years old son illustrated one last week during our winter break when we were discussing about how to do what looks to me like crazy snowboard jumps.
He said: “you have to go fast and far enough to reach the landing slope and not crash in the middle flat zone”
I thought this was such a great example of the importance to commit and not do things in halves.
If you let the fear or doubts take control, you will put on the brakes, not get enough momentum and crash in the flat zone.
It’s a matter of conviction, it’s a matter of energy.
It’s in the head and in the body.
And it’s the same in life.
Many leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, athletes doubt their value, their worth, their ability, and these doubts act like brakes that have them crash in their prospecting and enrollment conversations, in their important speech, in following through with their new exciting project, in their athletic performance.
Of course you have to know what you are doing. You also have to go step by step (my son started with small bumps, then medium size ones, then the big ones). And you have to manage your ego. it’s OK to renounce if you are not ready yet.
But if you decide to go, fully commit, from an empowered place.
Find the sweet spot where fear maintains you focused and vigilant, but don’t hold you back.
If you want to enroll people in your vision, fully commit to it, embody it, don’t let the doubts and fear of what people will think blur your message.
If you are delivering a speech, fully commit to it, get out of your head, speak from your heart.
If you want to raise your fees, fully commit to it, own it, don’t be hesitant or back pedal.
If you want to perform in sport, fully commit to your race, your game, your fight, and don’t let negative thoughts get in the way.
It’s a matter of conviction, it’s a matter of energy.
It’s in the head and in the body.
Are you bringing the energy of commitment, or the energy of fear?
Bonus: Next time I will do something new and scary, I will repeat to myself the other thing my son said: The first one is scary, then it’s fun 😊.
Take care



A common expression, which may not have the impact you wish.

In a coaching session, a client used that expression to speak about a different perspective his manager was pushing. My client was trying to explain his vision to his boss but was only getting a defensive reaction.

What is often getting in the way of closing a vision gap, or a perspective gap, is the invisible debate that is happening underneath, at a value system level.

Because our perspectives are directly derived from our value system, when confronting different perspectives, the underlying confrontation is about our values.

An the direct consequence of valuing certain things, is that we implicitly don’t value (or value less) other things, and we unconsciously consider that our values are better, as opposed to just different. It is ingrained in the word “value” itself.

Freedom, Adventure, Reliability, Integrity, Impact, Challenge, Comfort, Fun, Connection, Efficiency, Discovery, Working alone, Working with others, Well-being, Growth, Creation, Risk taking, Security, Decision making, Reflection, Competition, Peace, etc…

You can see how some values may support one another, how some may be relatively independent, how some may even be contradictory, and how you may consider some “better” than others.

If I value independence and autonomy, I might resist options with a lot of control. If I value efficiency and making projects fly, I might not be as excited to take on a project where the main goal will be to explore new avenues, gather data, but with a low probability that the project takes off.

Now the difficulty is that when we put ahead what is important to us, we may unconsciously imply that what is important to the other person is worth less, which can trigger a defensive reaction.

So it is important to make sure that the other person doesn’t feel judged in their value system when confronting different perspectives.

Saying “It doesn’t make sense” makes the other person wrong.

Saying “It doesn’t make sense to me”, is better because you take ownership of your perspective instead of presenting it as the truth. But it still makes the other person’s perspective, and therefore their values, less than yours, as opposed to just different.

So, the first step is to recognize that the other person’s value system is just different, not worth less than yours. Know the other person and see if you can make sense of their perspective through their value system. It doesn’t mean you need to agree, just to respect it.

Then make sure you convey that message. Show that you know the other person and that you honor their perspective and values.

You can do this through what you say but even more importantly through who you BE. Your Being is speaking louder than your words, and for your Being to authentically convey the message that you are not considering the other person’s values as less than yours, you first have to really recognize it internally, see step 1.

From there you can get outside of a right/wrong confrontation.

From there you can have an easier, healthier and more constructive conversation to bridge the gap, at work or at home.

Take care


Photo by Petr Slovacek on unsplash

I am currently reading the book “No rules rules” from Reed Hastings, the cofounder of Netflix and Erin Meyer, professor at INSEAD Business School

Although everything might not be strictly applicable to any sort of industries (Netflix is primarily doing some creative work), I love the way they were able to go against the mainstream ideas about management, with a combination of creativity, experimentation, and transparency, to make their organization more agile, more innovative and better able to constantly reinvent itself.

Amongst other interesting things that I’ll share in later posts, here is one that drew my attention:

In 2 different studies referred to in the book to evaluate the impact of bonuses on performance, participants were offered different amount of financial bonuses to perform different tasks.

  • When the task were only requiring mechanical skills (like pressing a key as fast as possible), the results were as expected: the higher the bonus, the higher the performance.
  • But when the tasks involved cognitive skills (add numbers or fit puzzle pieces into a frame), the results were more surprising: not only the offer of a medium bonus didn’t improve the performance compared to a low bonus, but the offer of a high bonus led to a lower performance.

The reason, they say, is that if you are too much concerned by the outcome of your performance (will you get the bonus?), you are not in a cognitive space where ideas and innovative possibilities live.

I would also add that when you focus too much on the outcome of your performance, you are distracted from what matters in the moment, “here and now”.

This applies to any domain in life:

  • As a coach, if you are too focused on your performance, you are not serving the client powerfully.
  • As a leader, if you are constantly concerned about your future in your position or in your company, you are not bringing your best self.
  • As an athlete:  if you focus too much on winning or on “what if X happen”, you are less focused on the task at hand and your performance decreases.
  • As a public speaker : if your attention is too much on what people may think, you disconnect from your audience.

Now it’s important to distinguish focusing on the outcome (which takes some of your focus and mental space away from the task at hand and from creative solutions) from willing an committing to the outcome, which is of course necessary.

The bottom line is :

Commit, Focus on the process, and the Outcome will take care of itself.

Take care,

Fun For Performance

In today’s society, Fun is often opposed to Performance: if we have fun, it means that we are not serious, not focused, not committed, and therefore we can’t perform.

But the truth is Fun can be in service of Performance, not instead.

Fun helps get rid of unproductive pressure and makes us more relaxed, which, combined with commitment and focus, enables to perform better.

Fun fosters creativity and possibilities.

When we have fun, we are more authentic, more human, less focused on “performing”, leading to more real relationships.

Having fun also helps enjoy the journey, therefore increasing the probability to reach the destination. Each time I catch myself thinking “when X will happen, then I will be happy”, I switch my thinking to “what can I enjoy now ?” or “how can I make this fun?”

And Fun helps put things into perspective which is essential for our wellbeing and mental health.

Sport offers a lot of examples of athletes who performed thanks to prioritizing fun:

–       I remember a swimmer I coached years ago who was in a slump. We worked on bringing back the fun at the forefront, forgetting about the results. This completely changed his experience, and counter intuitively, he started performing again.

–       In 2018, Simona Halep won her first Gran Slam in Roland Garros after 3 lost finals and shared after the match that she went into the final smiling and enjoying, seeing it as a chance, not a potential new tragedy. “I couldn’t have won without smiling”, she said, ensuring she was able to have fun during the game, even though it was a tough one during which she was down 6-3, 2-0 at some point.

–       In 2021, Olympic Champion Florent Manaudou, who was frustrated about not swimming fast enough during his preparation for the Tokyo Olympics, eventually focused on bringing the fun back instead of having his happiness rely on his results. In the final training weeks and during the Olympics, he decided to focus on “pure pleasure”. He ended up with a silver medal around the neck.

Fun looks different to everyone. Since I was a child, my motto has always been to “Be serious without taking myself too seriously” and I believe it enables me to bring the right mix of energies, of commitment and letting go, of head and heart, of performance and fun.

Juggling is the perfect integration of play and fun on one hand, and performance on the other hand. That’s why I have created an experiential learning workshop where I teach juggling and use the metaphor to coach teams on what they need to develop to increase their individual and collective performance. The fun helps break the ice and everyone to open up, which allows for some pretty serious and deep work to be done (if you are curious, read more here).

How much fun do you have in your business, in your sport, in your life ?

How can you bring more of it, not instead, but in service of your goals ?

Take care


Cyprien Sarrazin is the new French downhill ski sensation, after he won several races and especially the 2 downhill races in the legendary Kitzbuhel, beating the worldcup leader and reigning champ Marco Odermatt.

While he has a special talent and did work hard to get there, after suffering several injuries and having personal problems, he explained in a recent interview that something clicked for him after working with a psychologist and a mental game coach.

Here are 3 key quotes from the interview that can inspire and propel any athlete, leader or entrepreneur on their path to success:

👉  “I feel good in my life, I ski as I am or I live as I ski, I’m not sure which way to say it”

➡ Our personal life impacts our professional life and our performance (and vice versa). Working on it not only frees us to better perform, it also enables to be fully ALIGNED and AUTHENTIC, leading to achievement and fulfillment with flow.

👉 “You have the right to win, you have the right to be at your place”, her coach told him. Cyprien shared his struggle with impostor syndrome, a struggle many of us can relate to, and how he didn’t authorize himself to win.

➡ It’s an invitation to discard limiting beliefs, and recognize our inherent RIGHT TO SUCCESS and RECOGNITION. The tricky part, which may require some professional support, is that sometimes these limiting beliefs are unconscious (we think we authorize ourself to win/achieve but our subconscious doesn’t).

👉 “I didn’t imagine that working with a psychologist would help me so much”

➡This is a very common reaction and I hear the same with coaching and mental training very often, from leaders to athletes. This is mainly because:

        o Our ego tend to resist the idea of getting help, even more on the mental/emotional aspects (like we should be good at it naturally instead of seeing this as new muscles to practice)

        o You have to EXPERIENCE it to understand and benefit from it, not just read or hear about it.

 So, here is my invitation for you:

 –       INTEGRATE: look at how some areas in your life may impact others and if needed, work on them so you can be fully aligned.

–       BE YOU and DO AS YOU ARE: Lead as you are, coach as you are, create as you are, compete as you are. Get inspired, but let it be uniquely yours. It’s scary, it’s risky, but it’s worth it.

–       YOU HAVE THE RIGHT …. to win, to be successful, and you have your seat at the table.

–       If you feel the desire for some support to BE and OWN WHO YOU ARE, consider working with a trusted professional (a coach, a mentor, a psychologist, a mental game coach, etc…)

Take care and soar to new heights!

Making the Invisible Visible

Making the invisible visible is powerful.

In December, I had the pleasure to deliver a workshop on mental training to the Golf Czech National Team during their winter training camp with the Czech Golf Federation.

Amongst other topics, I introduced Heartmath®, a scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques with biometric fedback, that have helped many of my clients, especially athletes and golf players, but also executives dealing with stress and wanting to find more serenity.

The techniques are deceptively simple, but seeing the results of practicing the techniques on their heart rate pattern (measured with a small sensor) had them go : “this is mindblowing”.

When they also understand the impact the heart rate has on their physiology, their stress level, their reaction time, their cognitive ability, their clarity in decision making, even under pressure, and their overall performance, this is very empowering and calling them forward to practicing the technique on their own, on and off the course.

Whenever we can, showing, instead of just telling, creates more credibility, more trust and more empowerment.

As 2024 has just started, where can you make the invisible visible ?

How can you show your love to your closed ones instead of just telling them ?

How can you show your vision to your team instead of just telling them ?

How can you show your potential clients the power of your work instead of just telling them ?

On my end, I will make what I do a little more visible than it was so far, with the intention to inspire more people, and get my business to the next level of impact.

I wish you a wonderful and healthy year 2024,

Take care,



I recently shared that my coaching journey started by looking inward, stepping into the unknown and listening to the cues and to my inner knowing.

What I didn’t say is that even coaching in itself was unknown. I had an idea of what it was but didn’t really know what I was putting myself into. I did expect to learn how to coach others to help them achieve what they want or become better or more performant. What I didn’t expect was to work on myself and get that increased awareness of my own life and experience as a human being.

My relationship to coaching has evolved from

– “I don’t need a coach, I don’t need anyone to tell me how to run my life which is already great by the way !” (that was my “I’m stronger than that” self-defense reaction more than 10 years ago, not understanding what coaching was),

– to a process and some skills that can be learned,

– to a broader thing at the intersection of ontology (study of being), psychology, philosophy, and productivity (in the sense of intentionally producing what we want in our life and not only have interesting conversations), that is in part supported by Science, is an Art in the way it is crafted and mastered, and can create some Magic.

Just like the fish doesn’t know that something else exists other than the water its is in, most of us don’t know what is available outside of what we see, would we take the time to slow down, notice our experience of life, explore what we really want, and commit to it.

Coaching helps us see the world outside of our own water.

Coaching, and actually Life, are about both:

Awareness and Action

Process and Outcome

Journey and Destination

Achievement and the Experience while achieving

Bigger LIFE and daily life

Big Dreams and tiny steps

Future and Present

Movement and Stillness

Doing and Being

Wanting more And being Content

The thing and our relationship to the thing

Being on the way and Getting out of the way

Breakdowns and Breakthroughs

Rigor and Love

Commitment and Non Attachment

Pushing through and Surrendering

What is and What could be

And in the end, it’s about POSSIBILITY and CHOICE.

If anything resonates with you, here are 3 ways we can explore YOUR Possibilities:

– 1 on 1 coaching (this starts with a complimentary connection and exploration call)

– High and Deep ( this experiential and transformational journey (hiking and coaching for 4 days in the beautiful mountains) is a great opportunity to take some time to slow down, reflect, and plant the seeds for what’s next. Next session will take place from June 22nd to June 25th and we have a few spots available.

– La Vague ( a group coaching program for coaches and leaders interested in the coaching approach that combines personal development, coaching practice with live feedback, and personal or professional projects development to enhance one’s impact. The next cohort starts in September.

– Power Tools for Living workshop (…/power-tools-for-living…): a 3h workshop to get present to your essential nature, your life purpose and create the next year of your life

Standing for you with love and rigor,

Take care,

Looking inwards, Listening to the cues and Stepping in the unknown

I often tend to relate to the current journey I am on as accidental and lucky (I’m very grateful with the path I have taken), because in a nutshell, I had the opportunity to quit my job in 2015 to follow my wife going into a new position in the US, and to reinvent myself over there. It didn’t require me to take the bold step to quit my job with no safety net, I didn’t have to overcome any big pain or obstacle and although it might appear as brave to quit a job and move to a different country with 3 kids, it didn’t feel this way to me. It felt exciting, and fulfilled my desire for newness and adventure. I feel like I “just” followed a natural, organic path.

But as I reflect on it, I can distinguish 3 main elements that contributed to having me find my current path:

  • Looking inward

One day in 2012, I was wandering in a book shop and I felt like buying “Plaidoyer pour le Bonheur” a book about Happiness from Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, and “Méditer jour après jour”, a book about meditation from psychotherapeutist Christophe André. I can’t tell why I went for these book but I think I just followed an intuitive calling, an inner feeling that I needed this. We just had had our 3rd boy and life was starting to feel a little bit hectic, and I was in an unconscious search of some inner peace. That was the first time I started to look inward, explore my inner world and, in a way, my first steps into personal development. That’s what led me to take an in person meditation course in 2015 before moving to the US. And, as a synchronicity, that’s what led me to my current career because my meditation teacher sent a video a year later that had me choose my new path.

  • The willingness to step into the unknown without having the answers, open to possibilities

In his book “Transitions”, William Bridges identifies 3 parts in any transition: the ending of something, then a neutral, empty phase that can be uncomfortable, and the beginning of something new. I believe that accepting to quit my job and step into this new adventure without knowing where it would lead me, not rushing for an answer right away but allowing time and space for exploration, created the conditions for my new chapter to unfold.

  • Listening to the cues and trusting my inner knowing
    • I did listen to the cues of my inner feelings and trusted my intuition when I purchased these books on meditation and happiness.
    • When I quit my job, I did listen to the cue of this opportunity to take a leap, trusting my inner knowing that, although I had a great life, there was more to it, that on the other side of status quo was something more exciting even though I couldn’t put my finger on it.
    • I did trust my inner knowing when one day, as I was exploring different options for my next chapter, I watched a video that my meditation teacher had sent to his email list, and something clicked inside me. In that moment, I knew I wanted to switch from product development to people development. I engaged into this journey and never looked back. Even during the first challenging years, I never considered quitting and always had faith that I would make it, when a lot of new coaches fall into resignation and quit.

Since then, it’s been a journey of Expansion, Creation and Inspiration. It feels as though my path that was narrow and one dimension ahead, opened up to 180°, and with that came the awareness that there is so much more that’s possible outside of what I currently see.

And that’s what I wish for you. Not to take the same path, we all have a different path to take. But to listen to the cues that life may be sending you and to be willing to move forward without necessarily knowing how this will unfold in the end. No matter where you are in life, there is more to it than you can see. More meaning, more fulfillment, more freedom, more inspiration, more fun, are available if you dare to pause, be quiet and look inward, listen to what life whispers to you, trust your inner knowing, and dare take the risk to step into the unknown. Because from there new possibilities arise, that you couldn’t imagine before. And from there, Life is lived.

If this resonates with you, if you feel that something different and inspiring may be waiting for you, that there is more to life, here are some ways you can explore this with me:

  • 1 on 1 coaching (this starts with a complimentary connection call to explore what you might be looking for)
  • High and Deep: this experiential and transformational journey (hiking and coaching for 4 days in the beautiful mountains) is a great opportunity to take some time to slow down, reflect, and plant the seeds for what’s next. Next session is from June 22nd to June 25th.

Take care,


I have been quite silent in 2022, mainly for 2 reasons.

The first one was intentional, I chose to focus on growing my business as well as creating new programs. These were my main goals for the year and the rest, including writing, was left aside.

The second one was less intentional and more driven from my survival mechanism of wanting things to be perfectly written, making perfect sense, before they could be sent. So the rare times when I felt like sharing simple things, I got stuck in this perfectionism and because I chose not to spend time on this, I just didn’t follow through.

The results are :

  • I hit all my goals, made my best year and I created 2 new super exciting programs with 2 amazing partners:
    • High and Deep: an inspiring hiking and coaching journey in the mountains with Michael (some pictures HERE and More information here). We are preparing the next edition for later this year, so if that resonates with you, let’s talk about it. 
    • La Vague: a transformational group coaching program for coaches and leaders with Emmy (more info here: La vague). We just completed our 1st cohort and are also working on the next one.
    • Both these programs got very positive feedback which makes be very grateful and proud.
  • I also developed very interesting new  connections and, on the personal side, I grew my relationship with my wife and my kids, I took some improv classes (to practice working in the unknown, mess up and be creative), as well as some breakdance lessons with one of my sons and his friend (pretty fun and also the realization that I am aging and these moves can be physically pretty tough to make 😊), and I started to train for triathlon again.
  • But I also missed writing and sharing

So, in 2023, my commitment is to practice writing again.

My breakthrough for the coming year will be in VOICE. I want to practice using my voice more, through public speaking and by sharing more with you and in social media.

Part of it will be to play with the word INSPIRATION, which is my life purpose (in the ontological way): be inspired and inspire.

So, my first question to you will be: what would change in 2023 if you came from a place of inspiration, whatever that means or looks like for you? What would there be more of ? What would there be less of ? Would your goals be the same ?

I wish you an inspirational year !

With Love,
